Arlindo Gomes Furtado (born 15 November 1949) was the Roman Catholic bishop of the Dicoese of Mindelo, Cape Verde, from November 2003 until his successor was named in January 2011.
Bishop Furtado was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church in 1976. On 14 November 2003 he became the first bishop of the newly created diocese in Mindelo. The Diocese of Mindelo, according to the Vatican Information Service (VIS), has an area of 2,230 (units were not given); a total population of 166,000; 149,230 Catholics; 19 priests; and 58 religious. On Tuesday, January 25, 2011, VIS reported that Pope Benedict XVI had appointed Father Ildo Augusto Dos Santos Lopes Flores, "fidei donum" priest, chancellor of the diocese, and pastor of the parish of "Sao Vincente" (Saint Vincent), as the second bishop of the Diocese of Mindelo. The bishop-elect was born in Sal, Cape Verde in 1962, and ordained a priest in 1992.